k e i t h e d w a r d p a u g h

Category: Movie Films

Swank Swankas


Why Vincent D’Onofrio

Best thing I’ve found in awhle.

– From The Basement

Was ist Kunstradfahren???

– via Morgan Hoobastank

3 Dimensional Zoetrope

Toy Story 2 Daedalum – Leslie Aurelio

Merry Christmas

Ice-Cycle – Ferris Plock

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is good. Other than eating bird, it’s a holiday up for interpretation. Come up with a new tradition this year. • Write a list of stuff you’re thankful for • Bicycle or hike • Have dance-off • Bocce ball • Rake Leaves • Design a bird call • Plant something (add trout) • Dress […]


Remembering Mr. Katenga Are we really stealing bikes still? Have we not reached an age of wisdom and presence where we steal things of monetary value, and not sentimental? iPods, wallets, identities… these are small, expensive and easy to palm; but bicycles! I’d understand if you just really needed a ride, but how much could […]


Goodbye Talent Show – 2002